Seasonal Brain Purge…

Wow… so much has been going on since the weather turned, I’ve been just too busy, and brain frazzled to write down any personal thoughts. So here is a little brain purge to catch myself up… (in no particular order) So, on my birthday, back in September, I was supposed to meet up with my Brother and nephew for dessert… Those plans got sidelined as … Continue reading Seasonal Brain Purge…

Ever been so angrysaddissapointedfrustrated…

that you just want to un-follow/block the world? Ya… It’s been one of those days. I can’t tell if it’s really as bad as I think/feel it is, or if it’s my raging hormones messing with my emotions, or a combination of both. I’m trying really hard not to have a “woe is me” pity party, while at the same time trying not to point … Continue reading Ever been so angrysaddissapointedfrustrated…